
By Nathan L. Walls

Articles tagged “travel”

Habitat 67/Montréal

Habitat 67/Montréal

I’ve finally started editing photos from our June trip to Montréal. The photo above is along waterfront, south of the old port, looking across a quay to Habitat 67, a housing complex built as part of Expo 67.

Our friend and host for the week, Igor, showed us around different parts of the city our second night in town, and we drove by Habitat 67. It was rather striking.

Later in the week, photo walking the Pointe du Moulin site, we were given a hint to walk around Silo No. 5 by a couple of guys walking a dog and, through a bit of a fence, and we’re at the end of the pier Silo No. 5 sits on and Habitat 67 is right across the water. In a nice coincidence after we got back from Montréal, Stars announced The North the album cover for which features Habitat 67. It’s well worth a listen.

I have a small, but growing, set of Montréal photos over on Flickr. Check it out.

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