
By Nathan L. Walls

  • Sunset, Jan. 2, 2021/Williams Township
  • On Bougher Hill/Williams Township
  • Sunrise, Dec. 19, 2020/Williams Township
  • Sunset, Dec. 27, 2020

Krispy Kreme Challenge 2009: Recap, photos and links

Kreme Challenge 2009: Recap, photos and links

Krispy Kreme Challenge

5,038 people got up this morning for the first nice day in about a week and decided it would be fun to run two miles, eat a dozen glazed doughnuts and then run another two miles. Oh, and try to finish in an hour or less. @5x5 and I were not two of those people. We paid someone to run for us.

As you can see from the numbers above, about 60,456 doughnuts should have been consumed by the registered runners. But let’s allow that not every runner ate his or her full dozen. So, I’ll knock it down to a nice round 60,000. The run benefits charity and this year raised $35,000 for the North Caroine Children’s Hospital. Kick ass, everybody!

This was also the first event that Rex Luther Corporation sponsored a participant at. Rick, our local running entomologist, ran, ate his dozen and returned in under 45 minutes. Certainly a better pace than I’d manage. Overall winner Cameron Dorn finished in 29 minutes, 50 seconds. And yes, if you’re chipped and running for an official time, they make sure your doughnut box is empty before leaving Krispy Kreme.

So, what did @5x5 and I do, other than wear the same t-shirt Rick was wearing? Photograph! My photo set is over on Flickr. @5x5’s is up, too. It’s also a gave us a great reason to have a sale. Get 10 percent off during the month of February at CrazyLikeThat.com when you use discount code “kkc” at checkout.

Empty Boxes

It was especially cool seeing several people in costume. Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman and Homer Simpson (of course), among others. Sure, you could be running for a serious time (as Rick was), but damn, what a way to show some personality. I love events like this, and I’m happy to live in a city that has them.

What else is out on the web from the Krispy Kreme Challenge? Check it out:

Now, how did it feel, keeping a fresh dozen down while running? As @landin_t put it: “If u puke, you’re only cheating yourself”