
By Nathan L. Walls

Using Drafts

I was turned on to Drafts listing to the Back to Work podcast with Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin, back when Drafts 4 was current and before there was a Mac client. If I recall correctly, Merlin was talking on the fact that Drafts was a good dumping ground for random bits of text that he could then decide what to do with.

It took me a bit to really grasp the promise.

Ordinarily, I work with BBEdit and Vim when I’m at my computer. Both are great for handling established lists, text manipulation, editing and so forth. But now, most things I write on the iPad, iPhone, and a fair amount of what I write on my desktop starts in Drafts.

BBEdit has some provision for temporary text in the form of its Scratchpad, something I use frequently. There’s a global Scratchpad and one available for each BBEdit project. I set-up a different BBEdit project for each codebase I use. Actively, I have snippets of text in two or three different scratchpads.

What’s harder, though, is starting a new document in one of these programs, because, pretty quickly, in wanting to save this text to disk, there’s a decision about what to call the thing I’m writing. Surprisingly, there’s some friction there, because besides giving the piece of writing a name, there’s the aspect of where it goes.

For ephemera, I don’t need the text I write to end up in a permanent file. I do need the text to appear across my devices and be easy to locate. Drafts does just that.

If and when I am ready to save an entry to a file, Drafts gives me that option. It’s plain-text. It supports Markdown. It syncs nearly instantly and it gets out of the way. Drafts also has Workspaces functionality, and wow, is it nice.

The iPad, an external keyboard, and Drafts, is a pretty idealized writing environment. It’s full-screen, (mostly) distraction free, when I let it be.

Here are the tasks I use Drafts for:

  • Building up shopping lists
  • Creating workout plans
    • This was more of a thing before gestures broadly all of this
  • Drafting tweets
  • Saving URLs for link posts
  • Writing blog entry drafts
  • Taking notes for work meetings
  • Writing most anything I haven’t figured out any particular structure to just yet
  • Composing emails, Slack messages, or anything i might paste into a web-based textarea
    • I find dedicated text editors drop words, letters, punctuation or flat out lose everything much less often than webforms textareas do
    • As with drafting tweets, there’s an added benefit in that composing offline means fewer opportunities for a hasty autocorrect or dropped error
    • On Slack, I avoid “Nathan is typing…” for minutes while I gather my thoughts, I’ve already done it once I send something

Once I’m done with the above, Drafts gives me several options of how to act on what I’ve just written:

  • Preview Markdown text as lightly-styled HTML
  • Save an entry as a text file
  • Send a tweet directly from Drafts, which is nice when I don’t want to open the hellsite directly
  • Send a tweet thread
    • The hack here is by writing in terms of a tweet thread, I will veer into just writing. At that point, I’m working on a blog entry and, as a goal, I would strongly prefer to publish more here than on Twitter.
  • Archive or delete the entry once I’m done with it, particularly ephemeral lists

It’s a valuable tool.

By any other name: What to call similar things

On a recent code review, one of my teammates was adding a new branch of code behind a feature flag to adjust how our site search weights potential results.

The existing code had a constant I’ll call RESPONSE_WEIGHT. The new branch added RESPONSE_WEIGHT_NEW. Both would co-exist while the feature flag was present.

Given this is a temporary feature flag that should be retired once the code is determined to be steady-state in production, going back through the code and taking out the feature flag and the old branch will leave RESPONSE_WEIGHT_NEW.

In a few weeks or months, I or another teammate are going to look at RESPONSE_WEIGHT_NEW and wonder what new means. If, we decide to further adjust search result weighting, RESPONSE_WEIGHT_NEW is an outright misleading name.

Appending a name with _new or _old is tempting because it doesn’t require a lot of creativity. It isn’t a great idea, because the new or oldness of it quickly loses context.

If there’s a need to separate functionality or naming by a feature flag, use a suffix like: _2020_Q1, which ties the name to a point in time.

This will also likely leave an earlier name around, and, context dependent, those can also change with a suffix _PRE_2020_Q1, if there’s not already a data quantifier on something.

Then, if and when it comes time to remove the feature flag, the code isn’t populated with now contextless _new entries. Similarly, the code won’t be looking at _new2 or _new_new.

In this case, the pull request feedback resulted in RESPONSE_WEIGHT_2020_Q1, which is more likely to remain an accurate name as long as it lives on in the codebase.

Ruby Standard Gems

At work, I’m upgrading my team’s Rails application from Ruby 2.5 to 2.6. In the course of tracking down test failures between the two versions, I’ve found the following site helpful: stdgems.org/.

In short, it describes the gems that are shipped with Ruby and the versions that shipped with each version, which is helpful in tracking down behavior changes that might not be described by the language changes themselves.

In a case specifically relevant to how the application handles invalidly formatted CSV files, I learned that for the CSV gem, Ruby 2.5 shipped with version 1.0 while version 3.0, started shipping with the 2.6 series. That detail was helpful in determining that the way we structured the test for a failing case was no longer going to work, and I needed to restructure the test. Yay!

Buy yourself a cast iron skillet

New Year’s Day breakfast was scrambled eggs cooked in a 12-inch cast iron skillet, along with some whole wheat toast. I preheat the skillet over medium-high heat on our electric range, then drop the temperature to medium as I pour the eggs in. Fluffy scrambled eggs take about 90 seconds from there, folding the eggs two or three times.

A $40 12-inch Lodge skillet will last me the rest of my life. It is heavy and heats evenly.

Cooking with cast iron is a consistently better experience than I remember using non-stick skillets. Well-seasoned cast iron with some butter or oil is enough. Along the way, I monitoring as I cook. Unless I’m intentionally searing a steak, that little bit of butter or oil on top of the skillet’s seasoning is enough to keep the skillet pretty clean and food easy to release.

Cast iron seems less convenient because you generally don’t want to dry cook in them, but I’ve not found that to be true in practice. I see TV advertisements for non-stick pans being able to cook eggs without butter or oil. Friends, I’ve never had non-stick skillets work that well. Additionally, the non-stick coatings will scratch and eventually wear down. I was using either wood or high temperature-tolerant nylon spatulas to avoid scratching the coating on non-stick skillets. By contrast, cast iron is completely happy with more durable metal spatulas.

Another perceived limitation of cast iron is having to hand wash them. This is true, cast iron cannot be run through the dishwasher. I was still washing my non-stick cookware by hand, though. I cleaning my cast iron skillet while they’re still warm after cooking with hot water and adding a very small drop of dish soap placed on a chainmail scrubber. In the absence of that kind of scrubber, I’ve used both coffee grounds and salt to scour skillets.

Once the skillet’s clean and dry, put a penny-size drop of oil into the pan, wipe it around for an even coating with a paper towel to keep the seasoning fresh, then put the skillet away. You’re done.

🔗 Tesla driver filmed ‘asleep’ at wheel in Los Angeles

From The Independent:

A video appearing to show a Tesla driver asleep while his vehicle drove on auto-pilot has prompted criticism online.

The footage, posted on Twitter by US journalist Clint Olivier and filmed by his wife Alisha, was filmed on Los Angeles‘ busy interstate 5 last Saturday morning.

As Mr Olivier drives past the car, which is travelling steadily along the middle lane, Ms Olivier can be heard saying: “He’s totally asleep. This is crazy.”

There’s a broader post to write about the specific nomenclature of Tesla’s semi-autonomous driving tech being named Autopilot, and how drivers interpret the word. Until I write it, it will have to suffice to say that this incident isn’t the first such incident and will not be the last.

The driver is lucky this wasn’t fatal.